Our Partners
The Russian LGBT Network
The Russian LGBT Network is a Russia-based interregional social movement that promotes equal rights and respect for human dignity regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. The team records data on human rights violations, litigates hate crimes, and advocates for a better national and international recognition of LGBT+ rights. The Network unites and develops regional initiative groups and organizations and provides comprehensive support for LGBT+ people across Russia. Founded in 2006, it remains the most prominent LGBT+ organization in Russia. The Network's Rapid Response program, which has existed since 2014, is designed to support victims of the hate crimes and LGBT+ activists who suffer because of their activism. Rapid Response has enabled the Network to craft and lead the emergency response to the anti-LGBT+ crackdown in Chechnya since 2017. The Network assists victims of abductions, tortures, and other forms of violence, including forced psychiatric treatment against lesbian and bisexual women. Read an update from the Network.
Moscow Community Center
The Moscow Community Center has provided psychological care, legal services, and shelter for victims of the anti-gay pogrom in Chechnya since 2017. In addition to the care and services they provide to those escaping persecution in the Chechen Republic, the Center provides similar services to LGBTQI people from across Russia who find themselves in a difficult life situation and provides a safe space for the Moscow LGBTQI community overall. Through education and outreach, the Center is committed to bringing together the region's activists to build an LGBTQI movement in Moscow and across Russia and to fight anti-gay discrimination.
Rainbow Railroad
In the spirit of the Underground Railroad, Toronto-based Rainbow Railroad’s mission is to help persecuted LGBTQI individuals get to safety as they seek a safe haven from state-enabled harassment and violence. Rainbow Railroad was founded in 2006 to provide an additional solution to address the global refugee crisis, to which LGBTQI persons are uniquely vulnerable. Rainbow Railroad provides support to LGBTQI individuals — including victims of the anti-gay pogrom in Chechnya — seeking safety with airfare and financial support that facilitates departure, travel, arrival and referral for settlement. Beyond direct financial assistance, Rainbow Railroad provides information, resources and advice for asylum claimants.
The Council for Global Equality
The Council for Global Equality (CGE) is a coalition of more than 30 prominent U.S.-based organizations, each standing separately at the intersection of human rights and LGBTI equality in the United States and overseas. This unique collaboration joins the respective expertise and positioning of LGBTI and non-LGBTI human rights advocates; domestic and foreign policy and development specialists; religious voices; and gender and sexual rights and health specialists. Together CGE is a recognized foreign policy organization in Washington and an anchor organization for the LGBTI movement. CGE is the leading organization working with U.S. foreign affairs agencies to apply sanctions policies to the Chechen officials responsible for human rights abuses targeting LGBTI Chechens, as well as to ensure that other foreign policy tools have been used to condemn and investigate these crimes. CGE also actively advocates for immigration reforms in Congress and with federal agencies to ensure that LGBTI refugees and immigrants can access safety in the U.S.
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch is an independent, international organization that works world-wide to uphold human dignity and advance the cause of human rights for all. HRW scrupulously investigates abuses, exposes the facts widely, and pressures those with power to respect rights and secure justice. In 2017, HRW was the first human rights organization to confirm that a vicious anti-gay purge was on-going in Chechnya and documented the purge in a detailed research-based report. HRW has been at the forefront of the international effort to stop violence and other abuses against LGBT people in Chechnya. The organization also helped some of the survivors find refuge in safe countries. In spring 2019, HRW published a follow up report on a new wave of anti-gay persecutions in Chechnya.
Hornet, the world's gay social network, has been partnering with organizations worldwide since the anti-LGBTQ human rights violations in Chechnya were first reported in 2017. They have worked with the UN to make Hornet members aware of anti-LGBTQ policies worldwide — including criminalization, to provide tips to keep them safe while traveling, and to guide them in how to report human rights violations. They have repeatedly supported the Russian LGBT Network to build awareness of the anti-gay purge in Chechnya and have worked with the Network and ILGA Europe to assist LGBTQ people still in Chechnya to access information and resources. They promoted the release of WELCOME TO CHECHNYA in Russia to help Hornet members access the film for free. In 2021, Hornet produced a detailed timeline of what has happened to try to bring an end to the atrocities and save lives since the anti-gay purge was first exposed four years earlier.
RUSA LGBT is a network for US-based, Russian-speaking LGBTQ individuals, their friends, supporters and loved ones. RUSA LGBT provides informational support to asylum seekers and organizes social events to increase acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ people within the Russian-speaking public. We fight for social justice, human and civil rights for LGBTQ people in America and in the former Soviet Union. RUSA LGBT advocates for justice for asylum seekers and for equality worldwide.
LGBT World Beside
LGBT World Beside is a European-based organization founded by refugees who survived persecution of LGBTQI people in Chechnya. Our mission is to assist LGBTQI people from Russia and other former Soviet republics to escape the persecution and help them find a new home in the European Union. LGBT World Beside helps in resettling newly-arrived refugees, organizes information sessions to foster assimilation in a new home, connects refugees with lawyers and local NGOs to receive legal and mental support, and works closely with the European Parliament to advance their cases. LGBT World Beside monitors persecution of LGBTQI people in the region and helps those who have applied for asylum in the free world.
OutRight Action International
OutRight Action International has been fighting since 1990 to eradicate the persecution, inequality and violence lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) people face around the world. We partner directly with human rights defenders, allies and organizations to produce reliable data on the experiences of LGBTIQ people around the world and support research-based advocacy and capacity-building for LGBTIQ rights. OutRight has offices in 7 countries and OutRight has recognized consultative status at the United Nations, where it forms the secretariat of the UN LGBTI Core Group.
GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change. GLAAD protects all that has been accomplished and creates a world where everyone can live the life they love.
Human Rights Campaign
In the years since the world first learned about the horrific anti-LGBTQ atrocities taking place in Chechnya, HRC members have taken action to help put an end to the human rights violations. From working with Congress to activating their membership and raising up our voices together, HRC has sent a clear message that they have our #EyesOnChechnya, the human rights violations must stop, the perpetrators must be held accountable, and the international community must recognize that this is a crime against humanity. The #EyesOnChechnya campaign is a partnership of the Human Rights Campaign and Human Rights First.